11. Guay, B., Marghetis, T., Wong, C. & Landy, D. Quirks of Cognition Explain Why We Dramatically Overestimate the Size of Minority Groups. Forthcoming at Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
10. Guay, B., Berinsky, A., Pennycook, G., & Rand., D. (2023) “How To Think About Whether Misinformation Interventions Work.” Nature Human Behavior.
9. Combs, A., Tierney, G., Guay, B., Merhout, F., Bail, C., Hillygus, D.S., Volfovsky, A. (2023). “Reducing political polarization in the United States with a mobile chat platform.” Nature Human Behavior.
8. Guay, B. & Johnston, C. (2022). “Ideological Asymmetries and the Determinants of Politically Motivated Reasoning.” American Journal of Political Science.
7. Guay, B. & Lopez, J. (2021). “Partisan Bias in Bipartisan Places? A Field Experiment Measuring Attitudes Toward the Presidential Alert.” Public Opinion Quarterly.
6. Valentino, N., Zirkhov, K., Hillygus, D.S., & Guay, B. (2020). “The Political Consequences of Personality Biases in Online Panel Surveys.” Public Opinion Quarterly.
5. Bail, C., Guay, B., Maloney, E., Combs, A., Hillygus, D.S., Merhout, F., Freelon, D., & Volfovsky, A. (2020). “Assessing the Russian Internet Research Agency’s Impact on the Political Attitudes and Behaviors of American Twitter Users in Late 2017.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
4. Spell, G., Guay, B., Hillygus, D.S., & Carin, L. (2020). “An Embedding Model for Estimating Legislative Preferences from the Frequency and Sentiment of Tweets. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
3. Landy, D., Guay, B. & Marghetis, T. (2018). “Bias and Ignorance in Demographic Perception.” Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
2. Marghetis, T., Guay, B., Karlapudy, A., & Landy, D. (2018). “The Psychophysics of Society: Uncertain Estimates of Invisible Entities.” Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
1. Guay, B., Chandler, C., Erkulwater, J., and Landy, D. (2016). “Testing the Effectiveness of a Number-based Classroom Exercise.” PS: Political Science & Politics.
3. Guay, B., Berinsky, A., Pennycook, G. & Rand, D. Revise & Resubmit at the Journal of Politics.. “Examining Partisan Asymmetries in Fake News Sharing and the Efficacy of Accuracy Prompt Interventions.”
2. Guay, B., Berinsky, A., Pennycook, G., & Rand, D. “Reconsidering The Effect of Polarization on Sharing Online Misinformation.” (Available upon request)
1. Guay, B., Blum, A., Hanfling, E., Berinsky, A., & Rand, D. “Just Asking Questions?: The Effects of Framing Misinformation as a Question.” (Available upon request)
3. Guay, B. Misinformed or Uninformed? The Prevalence and Consequences of Certainty in Political Misperceptions."
2. Guay, B., Berinsky, A., & Rand, D. “I’m Sure I’m Right But So What?: The Consequences of Excessive Confidence in Political Knowledge.”
1. Jangili, S.^, Guay, B., & Stagnaro, N. “Understanding the Link Between Openness and Motivated Reasoning.”
^ Stony Brook graduate student
2. Hillygus, D.S., & Guay, B. (2018). “Online Public Opinion Polling." Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science.
1. Hillygus, D.S., & Guay, B. 2016. “The Virtues and Limitations of Election Polling in the United States." Seminar. (2016).